
Student Services


Calgary sits in the sunny eastern foothills of Canada’s Rocky Mountains, where the Bow and Elbow rivers meet. It is the major urban center, for the entire southern half of the province of Alberta, and is surrounded by an area of profound beauty with an unspoiled, resource-rich natural environment.

Calgary is a mountain-high city, and the climate – directly related to the altitude – is dry. Temperatures are mild, especially when compared to most of Canada, and even when it’s cold, it’s usually sunny. In fact, the sun shines an average of 2,300 hours every year, making Calgary the sunniest major city in the country.But Calgary weather is definitely unpredictable.

Student Services

Students looking for houses or apartments to stay in a while studying at QCT College may consider options including renting, homestay, etc. QCT College has no on-campus housing facilities. Our International Student Adviser can guide students to find affordable housing for rent in Calgary.

For more details, please click on the following links below:

QCT College believes that the students’ success is translated into the success of the college. QCT College is committed to helping students from the very beginning of registration until the student lands a job.


The following services are available to our current students and QCT College Alumni:

QCT College will encourage international students to have adequate health coverage during study period while living in Alberta. If you are a student from outside Canada, you may be eligible for Alberta Health Care Insurance Policy (AHCIP) coverage.

You will need to apply for AHCIP coverage. Students under 18 years of age must be added to the AHCIP account of a custodian.


Students are strongly advised those who are not eligible for AHCIP to buy Personal Health Insurance prior to arrival in Canada.


Students who have a 12-month Study Permit (valid for an Alberta educational institute) and who will reside in Alberta for 12 months or more are eligible for AHCIP coverage.


Students with Study Permits valid for more than 3 months, but less than 12 months, may be eligible for AHCIP coverage if their application is accompanied by a letter from the student confirming their intent to reside in Alberta for at least 12 months.


If the application is received within 3 months of entry into Alberta, coverage is effective on the date of either entry into Alberta or the date signed on the Study Permit, whichever is later.

The International Student Advisor will not render any immigration advise to the International Students in regards to working in Canada.

The students who require Immigration Advise will be referred to the authorized immigration consultants or Immigraton Lawyers, and IRCC’s Website.

Learn more about Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada : 


Student Services

List of English Language Learning Centers


Global Village English Centers – GV Calgary
515 1 St SE Calgary, AB T2G 2G6
Phone: (403) 543-7300


Chinook Learning Services
Viscount Bennett Centre
2519 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, Alberta T3E 4M2
Phone: (403) 777 7272 ext. 2459
Fax: (403) 777 7229
Email: CLS-SIS-OC@cbe.ab.ca


Calgary International Learning Centre
1311 – 4 Street SW Calgary, AB T2R 0X9, Canada
Phone: (403) 693 5548
Email: cilc@firstbaptistcalgry.net


Community Wise Resource Centre
101 223 12th Avenue SW, Calgary Alberta T2R 0G9
Email: info@communitywise.net
Ph: (403) 261 9660
fax: (403) 234 9532


Centre for New Comers
1010, 999 – 36 Street NE Calgary, AB T2A 7X6 (Pacific Place Mall – northeast entrance)
Phone: 403.569.3325
Email: info@centrefornewcomers.ca


Calgary Chinese Community Service Association
1406 Centre Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta, T2E 2R9, Canada
Tel: (403) 265-8446
Fax: (403) 233-0070
Email: cccsa@cccsa.ca


Immigrant Services Calgary
1200 910 7th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 3N8,
Phone: 403-265-1120
Email: settlement@immigrant


Women’s Centre of Calgary
39 – 4th Street NE Calgary, Alberta,T2E 3R6
Phone: (403) 264-1155,Fax: (403) 264-1203


Aspen Family and Community Network Society
Suite 200, 2609 – 15 Street NE Cagary, AlbertaT2E 8Y4
Phone: 403-219-3477
Email: aspenfamily@aspenfamily.org