
Programs And Costs

Programs And Costs

Digital Marketing Diploma

This program is designed to provide the students a complete overview of the Digital Marketing applications taking place in the current industry. 

This course includes both theory & practicum aspects on the different components. Towards the end of the program, the students will be required to do a complete practicum. 

This course is very interactive and it will help you grow your knowledge & develop your skills.

Programs And Costs

Accounting and Payroll Diploma

In this program, you will learn more about the basics Accounting & Payroll principles that is currently applied in today’s market. The program is structured to provide you the job-oriented training and it will help you prepare for the workforce environment. Towards the end of the program, there is an in-house practicum where the students will do the full-cycle accounting case scenario. In addition to this, the students will finish online courses to be certified as a Payroll Compliance Practitioner (PCP) by Canadian Payroll Association (CPA)

Programs And Costs

Medical Office Assistant Diploma

The Medical Office Assistant program (MOA) is trained to help students understand the importance of Office Administration in a Medial Environment. This includes Clinics, Hospitals & other related environments. The graduates of this program will find opportunities to work in different kinds of healthcare settings. They need to understand the different privacy laws, compliance laws as well as learn to interact with the doctors and other medical staff.

Programs And Costs

Cyber Security (IT) Diploma

The Cyber Security program is trained to help the students gain advanced technology based knowledge in the field of Information Systems, Cloud Computing, Cyber Forensics and other related topics. Emphasis will be placed on learning how to keep the networks safe from Cyber Attacks. This course will also cover you the Fundamentals of eCommerce. You will also learn about the different Cyber Attacks & the associated Defense strategies.

Programs And Costs

Community Development Diploma

The main goal of the Community Development Diploma program is to help understand the fundamentals of the different components of the Community Development.

Programs And Costs

Business Analysis and Data Science Diploma

The Business Analysis & Data Science program is to provide the student concrete foundation of the core aspects of the different aspects of Business in the real world. 

Programs And Costs

Legal Administration Diploma

The Legal Administration Diploma provides the student a concrete knowledge and understanding on the different aspects of law.