
Int Student Policy

This section will describe the International Student Policies in detail.

1) Equal Opportunities

QCT College will, at all times, endeavor to promote equal opportunities for enrollment and employment irrespective of religion, sex, nationality, age, disability and or sexual orientation.  The College will prevent unlawful, direct and indirect discrimination including sexual harassment.  QCT College is committed to reaching underrepresented groups with information about programs especially in fields where women and minorities are not currently well represented. QCT College strives to create a diverse learning environment. To ensure this policy, the College adopts a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory selection and recruitment process.

2) Dress Code

At QCT College, we require students to dress appropriately for a professional college environment. Although certain programs (for example: Medical Office Assistant) have specific dress codes, most permit casual attire.

It is expected that students will dress appropriately when visiting outside organizations or groups. While on practicum students are required to adhere to the dress code of the work term hosts.

3) English Language Policy

The English language only policy requires that all staff and students speak English inside the college, including the lobby, dining area and the front desk. This policy exists because speaking a language in the presence of people who don’t speak that language is disrespectful because it excludes them. Speaking English is a mark of courtesy to those around us, students and staff alike. In addition, students show respect to their teachers by speaking English. You have come to QCT College in order to improve your English. This can only be done if you try to speak English at all times.

4) Smoking

Smoking is only permitted in designated areas outside the College. Students are asked NOT to smoke on or around campus entrance areas.

5) Telephone Calls & Text Messages

Students will not be called out of class for personal calls, except in an emergency. In most cases, a message will be left at the front desk. The telephone at the front desk is unavailable for students’ use. Use of cell phones (for texting or calls) while classes are in session is prohibited since it causes considerable distraction.

6) Equipment

Equipment at the College has been purchased to help with your training. Many of these pieces are very costly to replace. College equipment is not to be removed from the campus without permission from administration and should always be handled with upmost care and caution.

7) Hours of Operation

As a full-time, student, you are required to attend the class for 20 hours per week. You may be scheduled between 8:00 am and 9:30 pm depending on the program. This may vary throughout the school year, depending on the courses you require. Where circumstances require, administration reserves the right to schedule classes outside these hours.

8) Change of Address

We like to keep in touch with our students, both current and graduates. Therefore, we will ask you to provide us with your hometown address and current address. If your address changes please let your campus registrar know. Correspondence, including your diploma, will be forwarded to the address we have on file.

9) Personal Belongings

We strongly advise that you do not leave valuables, including textbooks, in your classroom unattended or without supervision. QCT College does not assume responsibility for missing books, personal items, etc.

10) Parking Facilities

Students must park in designated parking areas only. No parking and wheelchair parking areas are designated either by a sign, road markings in blue paint, or both.

11) Photographic & Media Policy

Upon enrolment a student consents to QCT College, the collection and use of his/her photographs or video recording to be used on the College website, on-campus display or other promotional purposes.

Should the students wish not to be published in any format, a written statement is required to clearly indicate not to be published.