
Student Tax Receipts

The T2202/T2202A (Tuition, Education and Textbooks Amount Certificate) is a tuition and education tax credit certificate issued by a post-secondary institution to certify a student’s eligibility for tuition, education, and textbook amounts. The T4A (Other Income – scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, and study grants (awards)) is a slip issued by a post-secondary institution for amounts paid to recipients who received scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, honorariums in a tax year. For further details, please see the CRA website.

What’s New:


Tax documents (T2202, T2202A, T4A) are issued to those over 16 years of age before the end of the taxation year. To be eligible for the tuition tax credit, you must have total eligible tuition fees exceeding $100 in a taxation year. Students must be enrolled in the course of studies considered post-secondary level education or a course of studies that allows the student to obtain or improve skills in an occupation to be eligible for a T2202A.

The school will mail you the Tax documents. If you have received yours, please email: admin@qctcollege.com specifying your name, SIN and the Program Enrolled.