Student Policies

QCT College students are responsible for their own learning. In order to reap the full benefits of their courses, students should attend all classes, labs & tutorials.

  • Punctual and regular attendance in class is mandatory to ensure an optimal learning environment at QCT College. Classes are intended to be interactive and participative.
  • If there are any extenuating circumstances concerning a student’s absence, the instructor/office staff should be notified as soon as possible. It is the student’s responsibility to review the course material prior to class to develop an understanding of the background knowledge with current course curriculum. Students will be accountable for learning any missed material due to absence(s), and must complete a learning plan with respective instructors. Learning Plans are to be submitted to the Program Coordinators and Academic Lead for approval prior to implementation.
  • Students wishing to leave the program temporarily for vacation, family matters or other reasons, must complete a leave of absence form, (available from reception). This leave must be approved by the instructor or Program Coordinator / the Academic Lead. A learning plan must accompany your leave application.
  • Students are expected to complete assignments in the time allowed by instructors. Assignments are to be completed individually. There is a zero tolerance at QCT College regarding plagiarism/academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty or plagiarism will result in a zero result in the assignment or exam and may include suspension or termination from the program.
  • Daily attendance is taken by instructors and include student arrival and departure times. Student absences are taken seriously at QCT College. Absences lasting for more than three consecutive days must be accompanied by a valid reason with the proper documentation. A reasonable excuse for an absence must describe circumstances requiring the student’s absence (e.g. medical, family emergency, etc). The inability to provide a valid reason/documentation may result in Course/Program failure or expulsion from the College. QCT College will seek to be consistent and reasonable in its approach to determine the parameters of a valid reason for any absence(s). Instructors reserve the right to deduct marks from student assignments, and or exams for chronic absenteeism.
  • The school must consider the student as withdrawn on the first day of their absence unless the student notifies the school the reason for the absence.

QCT College will ensure that all student records are properly stored, maintained and handled confidentially. Administrative and instructional staff members at QCT College will be permitted access to all or a part of a student’s record in order to carry out their duties.

Upon completion of your program of study you are entitled to an official transcript of academic achievement if the College has received payment of all fees. There is a policy on retention and disposal of students’ records. The College requires that Records be retained for specific periods of time, taking into account legal or other institutional requirements. The retention periods set forth in the attached Records Retention and Disposal Schedule are the minimum retention periods required by QCT College. At the conclusion of the retention period, the Records should be properly disposed of under this Policy. Requests to deviate from or modify this Policy or these retention periods must be made to and approved by the College Records Retention and Disposal Committee.

The following is the Student Complaint Procedure that needs to be followed:

  • All formal complaints to administration must be in writing. Anonymous complaints will not be considered.
  • Lodging a complaint will have no adverse consequences on the status of the complainant in their course or program of study.
  • Student complaint policies and procedures apply to individual or group complaints
  • All formal written complaints should be addressed to the registrar listed below.
  • Complaints must be initiated within 14 days of the event that led to the complaint.
  • The student should first approach the instructor with an informal verbal complaint.
  • If the concern(s) cannot be resolved the student can then escalate the informal verbal complaint to the Program Coordinator. If no resolution is accomplished at the Program Coordinator level the student will be required to submit a formal complaint in writing to the Registrar of QCT College.
  • Within 10 days of receiving the complaint, a meeting will be arranged between the student, instructor, Program Coordinator and the Registrar of QCT College. (This meeting may also be attended by the Academic Lead if it involves Academics, and by HR Representative if it is of a HR nature). The student may be accompanied by an advocate of their choice at all stages of the complaint process and this person may take oral submissions on behalf of the student.
  • The student will have an opportunity to make an oral presentation of the complaint at this meeting and to have another person present or another person make the oral presentation on his/her behalf. The proceedings and outcome will be documented.
  • Upon review of the complaint and any other relevant information, the Registrar will make a decision. The decision will be communicated to the student in writing within 21 business days following the meeting and will contain the reasons for the decision.
  • QCT College will maintain a record of all students at their campus for a period of three years from the date of the decision. This record will include a copy of the written student complaint, any submissions filed and the written decision.

QCT College may consider the funded student as withdrawn under any of the following circumstances.

  • A student has missed five consecutive class days without contacting the institution, before or during the absence, to provide a reasonable excuse.
  • The effective date of the student’s withdrawal is the first of the five days that the student was absent.
  • When a student with a reasonable excuse is absent for more than 30 consecutive days, the effective date of the withdrawal is the first day during this period that the student was absent.
  • When a student has excessive absences that will prevent him/her from successfully completing the program within the scheduled study period.
  • In this case the effective date of student’s withdrawal is the last day that the student was in attendance.
  • When a student withdraws or otherwise their enrollment is terminated; the school is entitled to any fee’s pertaining to the attendance of the Alberta Student Enrolment Contract for Licensed Vocational Training Programs.

A student may be dismissed from QCT College if one or more of the following situations arise:

  • A student breaches QCT College’s Academic Dishonesty Policy.
  • A student has been placed on academic probation and has not met QCT College’s academic standards in two successive module/courses.
  • A student demonstrates other inappropriate conduct including, but not limited to, willful disruption of class, discrimination, sexual harassment, abusive or threatening language or gestures, injury to persons, damage to property, theft, the use or distribution of illegal drugs, and/or the consumption or distribution of alcohol. 
  • A student breaches QCT College’s Improper Computer Usage and Pornography Policy.
  • Where a student discontinues attending classes, fails to provide proper notice and fails to adhere to his/her defined tuition payment schedule the College may dismiss that student once his/her account becomes delinquent.
  • A student fails to adhere to QCT College’s tuition payment policy

Student Misconduct is a very serious issue in QCT College. The list of the different types of Student Misconduct is just NOT LIMITED to the following:

  • Disruptive or abusive behavior, such as verbal harassment, consistent profanity or vulgarity.
  • Physical abuse of another, including assault, battery or rape.
  • Intimidation or stalking another member of the college community, including hazing.
  • Illegal drug use or underage drinking.
  • Vandalism, graffiti, or defacing college or personal property in any other way.
  • Possession of weapons on college property.

Dishonesty is also a rather indistinct term, but it’s also normally included in the codes of conduct. These include, but NOT LIMITED TO:

  • Misuse of the enrollment policies, and allow other to use their online ID (Class and Material Access).
  • Lying to professors or other college officials.
  • Failing to provide the proper identification in class or exam.
  • Incomplete documentation.
  • Failing to appeal with in 15 days of action.
  • Working as a spy, and to promote other schools, or mislead the students.
  • Spreading the rumors and effect the credibility of the institution/class.
  • Cheating on tests or assignments, including breach of copy rights.

QCT College is not responsible for any credit of the modules towards the career change programs, if it is not in the QCT approved program curriculum.

Students have one week after the original grade has been provided to appeal the mark. An appeal must be requested in writing to the Administration. If a student appeals a grade, it is possible that they may end up with a lower mark then the original grade. There is a $50 fee to have a quiz, test, exam or project remarked.